Canvas instructors,
District ITS has fixed the issue of dropped students having access to their Canvas courses. If you still have any of these, let me know (student, W number, course), and I will forward them along.
Canvas instructors,
District ITS has fixed the issue of dropped students having access to their Canvas courses. If you still have any of these, let me know (student, W number, course), and I will forward them along.
For those unable to attend the College Day workshop last week titled Meeting the Laws and Regulations for Distance Education Courses, I’ve attached the PowerPoint and listed some resources below:
· LPC's Regular Effective Contact Guidelines
· Google Advanced Image Search (Go to Google Images – Settings – Advanced Search)
· Converting a Word document to an accessible PDF
· Converting a PowerPoint presentation to an accessible PDF
District ITS has fixed the issue that stopped students who registered Wednesday night from being inputted into their Canvas courses. Regarding the issue of dropped students still showing in Canvas, I am told that should be resolved next week.
District ITS is working on an issue today in which students who registered last night for classes using Canvas are unable to access those classes. When it gets solved, I’ll let everyone know. I still haven’t heard anything from District ITS about the issue with dropped students still showing.
I’ve received reports from faculty saying the number of students in their Canvas courses don’t match the number in Class Web. I have alerted District ITS about this. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon. The same thing occurred at the beginning of the Spring semester and got fixed.
DE instructors:
1. For those of you using Blackboard, this is a reminder that the Succeeding in an Online Course tutorial and the Online Learning Orientation, both located on the Online Learning web site, will be going away when the transition to Canvas is complete. Those tutorials are old and Blackboard-focused. For those of you using Canvas, you should NOT be linking to either of the above; you should use the new Quest for Online Success tutorial with your students. Information on that is in the email I sent you this morning.
2. On College Day, Aug. 15, I will be facilitating a workshop on the legal requirements of teaching DE. You are all invited. It takes place from 10:30-12 in Room 2412.
3. Over the next week or so, I will give you all access to the new Online Course Development Program course in Canvas. You can use it for hands-on training, or you simply use it as a resource. It contains all of the important information you’ll need to design, develop, and teach an online course.
4. If you want to view my model course template for Canvas, just let me know. Like the OCDP course above, it’s optional for you.
LPC Faculty,
For those of you interested in designing online courses, the Online Course Development Program is soliciting participants for the Fall 2017 semester. The ultimate goal of the OCDP to learn the technical and pedagogical skills necessary to design and teach a high-quality online course.
Please see the OCDP web page for more information, including guidelines and training requirements.
If you would like to take part in the OCDP, reply to me by Aug. 21, and include days and times that you are available. Weekly meetings in the Teaching and Learning Center (Room 2410) begin the week of Aug. 28. Every attempt will be made to accommodate individual schedules, but if a day and time cannot be worked out, you may participate in the self-paced version of the OCDP in Canvas.
Any questions, email or call me at ext. 1654.
For those of you teaching with Canvas in Fall 2017:
Attached is a checklist to help your Fall classes get off to a good start. And here is some information/reminders to help, too:
a. Go to If necessary, copy and paste the URL (without the period at the end) into your browser.
b. Log into Canvas with your W number. Your password is the first 2 letters of your first name, followed by the first 2 letters of your last name (all lowercase), followed by the last four digits of your W number. If you have already logged into Canvas and changed your password, use that password.
c. Click the button "Enroll in Course".
d. Click the button "Go to the Course".
e. Complete the modules.
Good luck with your courses!