You may now request your Spring 2018 courses by logging into Class-Web, clicking Menu for Faculty, Staff & Advisors, then clicking either the Canvas or Blackboard links toward the bottom of the page. Choose Spring 2018 for the term and Las Positas for the campus, and click Submit Query. From here, you can request individual courses, or you can choose courses or sections to merge.
Some notes:
1. Blackboard is going away after the Spring 2018 semester, so you might be better served by requesting Canvas courses now.
2. When moving from one semester to another in Canvas, you can either copy a previous semester's course content or export the previous course and import it into the new course. You can do all of these by going to Settings in a course. While in Settings, DO NOT click the Copy this Course button on the right side; this tool creates a new course that your students will not be able to access.
3. If you are teaching an online course, you have the option to use the Canvas model course template as a starting point. The course is based on the OEI’s Course Design Rubric and provides organization and structure for your course. If you want to view the model course, let me know. If you already have access to it and want to use it, complete this form.
4. The Succeeding in an Online Course tutorial and Online Learning Orientation that have been used with Blackboard for years and are on the Online Learning web site will be going away after Spring 2018. They have been replaced by the OEI’s Quest for Online Success and integrated into Canvas. Learn more about Quest.
5. The current Online Learning web site is also being replaced. The new site will be posted after the current semester.
6. I will send an email by the end of the week about registering for TLC workshops and appointments that will take place during the remainder of this semester. The next workshop, Web Accessibility Basics, will take place from 1-2 p.m. Tuesday.
7. Remember that everything in your course must be made accessible to students with disabilities. You can either come to a workshop, make an appointment, or complete the Canvas tutorial called Web Accessibility Course.