Please join us for one or both of our Online Learning workshops on Flex Day, April 3 (no advanced registration is necessary):
Using the OEI Online Course Design Rubric to Meet Accreditation Standards (10-11:50 a.m. in Room 2410)
The Online Education Initiative's Course Design Rubric, endorsed by the LPC Academic Senate, establishes standards of a quality online course. If your course meets those standards, it will meet accreditation requirements. In this workshop, you will learn how to apply the rubric to your course in order to make your course the best it can be. The rubric's sections covered will be Content Presentation and Assessment, but the workshop will focus on Interaction, making sure you meet the requirement of regular, effective contact. It will not cover the web accessibility sections of the OEI rubric; those will be covered in an afternoon workshop today called Making your Canvas course site ADA-compliant.
The LPC Model Course, which was created based on the rubric's standards, will be presented. The Model Course can be used in your online course as a template to follow while building the rest of your course.
Making your Canvas Course Site ADA-Compliant (1-2:50 p.m. in Room 2412)
Whether you teach an online course, a hybrid course, or simply enhance your face-to-face course with online materials, you are bound by state and federal regulations to make your sites accessible to students with disabilities. This hands-on workshop will focus on ADA-compliance within Canvas. You will learn the basics of web accessibility, along with techniques to use in Canvas and techniques to make Word and PowerPoint files accessible. The workshop will follow the Online Education Initiative's Course Design Rubric sections on web accessibility.