Monday, May 10, 2021

Fall Canvas shells now available

Canvas instructors,


Your Fall 2021 courses are now in Canvas. If you do not see your course under Unpublished Courses on your Dashboard, it’s most likely because your name hasn’t gone through the official channels to become the instructor of record yet. At this early date, there are several of these. Once you become official, Banner will process you into the Canvas course.


Some notes:


  1. If you plan to merge courses or sections, you will do that in Canvas. Please read Merging Sections in Canvas, and closely follow the instructions.
  2. When moving from one semester to another in Canvas, you can either copy a previous semester's course content or export the previous course and import it into the new course. You can do all of these by going to Settings in a course. While in Settings, DO NOT click the Copy this Course button on the right side; this tool creates a new course that your students will not be able to access.
    1. Learn how to copy a course.
    2. Learn how to export a course.
    3. Learn how to import a course.
  3. As an online instructor, you have the option to use the Canvas model course template as a starting point. The course is based on the Academic Senate-approved OEI’s Course Design Rubric and provides organization and structure for your course. If you are interested in previewing or using the model course template, view instructions on accessing it.
  4. The OEI’s Quest for Online Success tutorial is the student readiness tool used for DE courses at LPC. There is a Canvas version into which you can have students self-enroll. You can even have students complete assignments based on the tutorial. Learn more about Quest.
  5. Remember that everything in your course must be made accessible to students with disabilities. To learn how to do this, check out the Canvas course titled Web Accessibility Course.
  6. Students are scheduled to be inputted into their courses August 4.
