Canvas instructors,
On Dec. 18, I am planning to install the new NoteBowl app into Canvas. NoteBowl can be used to replace the Canvas Discussion Board and Announcements with more of a Facebook-like interface (you can also use it in conjunction with the Discussion Board). Keep in mind that NoteBowl does not include all of the features of the Discussion Board, so because of this, a list of pros and cons of using that tool will be created and shared with you.
The DE Committee decided to have NoteBowl installed during finals week so instructors can test it out over the break. View a 5-minute demo of NoteBowl. The TLC will offer training on NoteBowl during the spring semester.
Also over the break, I will install NameCoach, a pronunciation and gender ID tool. NameCoach allows students to record their names and note their gender. Because of privacy reasons, only the instructor will be able to hear the recordings and see the genders noted. To use NameCoach, just enable it in the course menu. It’s self-explanatory from there.
Both NoteBowl and NameCoach are subsidized by the OEI and are optional for you to use.