For those of you using Proctorio for the remainder of this semester, I’m relaying below some recommendations from the DE Committee. At our meeting Friday, we discussed some students’ angst about being forced to use Proctorio with little warning.
The committee wants faculty who plan to use Proctorio for the rest of Fall to prepare their students adequately to alleviate privacy and security concerns. If instructors use it, they should use it for low-stakes quizzes or extra credit. Also, if students object to its required usage, they should be able to come to campus to complete an alternative quiz.
The committee wants to prepare students better for when instructors use Proctorio by the Spring semester. That includes having language written to place in syllabi and in welcome letters sent to students prior to online courses beginning. It will include language in a new web page for students, in the DE Handbook, and on the Online Learning FAQs page. The language will include links to Proctorio support, along with its privacy and security pages. I will work on this language and share it with you.