Tuesday, July 23, 2019

FW: Canvas quiz issue



From: Scott Vigallon
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 9:35 AM
To: Scott Vigallon <SVigallon@laspositascollege.edu>
Subject: Canvas quiz issue


Summer Canvas instructors,


Canvas is working on a bug that is disallowing results of auto-graded quizzes dating from July 13 from being added to total class scores when students check their grades. This does not affect the scores in your gradebook; those scores are accurate. It’s just affecting the students’ views of their total scores. They can see their quiz scores, but those scores aren’t being reflected in the class total.


According to Canvas, this is only happening in classes that are using the old gradebook, not the new gradebook.


I’ll update you when Canvas fixes the issue.
