Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Update on Canvas quiz grading

Summer Canvas instructors,


Apparently, the issue affecting auto-grading quizzes since July 13 is affecting students not only in courses using the old gradebook, but also using the New Gradebook. Again, this issue is disallowing results of these quizzes from being added to total class scores when students check their grades. This does not affect the scores in your gradebook; those scores are accurate.


I’ve detailed below workarounds for those of you using the old gradebook and those using the New Gradebook. These workarounds were provided by Canvas to solve the students’ problem.


How do you know which gradebook you are using?


New Gradebook shows drop-downs for Gradebook, View, and Actions on the left side.


Old Gradebook shows a Filter by student name or secondary ID box on the left side.



Workaround for New Gradebook


Find a quiz column header with an orange eye icon with a slash through it, click the three-dots on the right, and choose Post grades. (If you see orange dots next to student names, that just indicates that their grades are hidden.)


On the next screen, choose Everyone, and Post. Repeat for other similar quizzes.



Workaround for old Gradebook


Find a quiz that students have taken since July 13, click the drop-down for the column header, and select Mute Assignment.


Once the column is muted, you’ll notice a bell icon with a slash through it, then click the same drop-down, and select Unmute Assignment. Repeat for other similar quizzes.



Finally, Canvas says that this issue has also caused a problem with plagiarism tools (in our case, VeriCite) not displaying originality reports to students before the grade is posted.

