Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blackboard, Canvas course requests and Canvas cleanup offer

Blackboard and Canvas instructors,


You may now request your Summer 2017 and Fall 2017 courses by logging into Class-Web, clicking Menu for Faculty, Staff & Advisors, then clicking either the Blackboard or Canvas links toward the bottom of the page. Choose Summer 2017 or Fall 2017 for the term and Las Positas for the campus, and click Submit Query. From here, you can request individual courses, or you can choose courses or sections to merge.


For those of you making the switch from Blackboard to Canvas—remember, Blackboard goes away at the end of the Spring 2018 semester—you can request help if you want. Past courses from Spring 2016, Summer 2016, and Fall 2016 have already been migrated to Canvas, so you can choose to have Canvas perform any post-migration cleanup work that is necessary. If you are interested in having Canvas do the cleanup for you, request your courses in Class-Web NOW, then fill out this form so we can get the process started. The deadline for request cleanup work is April 13.


Some important points about the Canvas cleanup, which Canvas refers to as “white-glove service”:

1.     Having Canvas do the migration/cleanup work for you is OPTIONAL. You can do the migration and cleanup yourself. Here’s a document that will help you.

2.     Priority will be given to DE courses; however, all courses (including hybrids and web-enhanced courses) are eligible.

3.     For non-DE courses, cleanup work will commence in the order that requests are received.

4.     Canvas personnel conducting the cleanup work are supposed to make themselves available for consultations with instructors.

5.     Canvas will need instructor access to your past course in Blackboard to view the organization and structure of your course.

6.     I am finalizing a model course template for Canvas online courses based on the OEI’s Course Design Rubric. It will be presented to the DE Committee on Friday and will, hopefully, be available for your perusal next week and optional use for Summer and Fall. A workshop on the model course template is available among the rest the other Canvas workshops on the Professional Development Spring 2017 Workshops page.




Monday, March 6, 2017

VeriCite is ready

Canvas instructors,


The VeriCite anti-plagiarism tool is up and running in Canvas. Below are short videos on how VeriCite works:

·         Creating a VeriCite Assignment

·         Submitting a VeriCite Assignment as a Student

·         Grading a VeriCite Assignment

·         Viewing a VeriCite Report as an Instructor


Here are a couple of other resources:

·         Canvas Instructor User Guide for VeriCite

·         VeriCite webinar training. Live monthly training is available from VeriCite.


One thing not working yet: When students submit an assignment, they will not be able to see their VeriCite reports immediately on the Submissions page (whether you allow them to or not). VeriCite says this will be corrected on the next Canvas update, which should happen sometime soon. In the meantime, you can tell students to go to Grades to see their reports.




Thursday, March 2, 2017

Canvas-VeriCite update

Canvas instructors,

You might have noticed today that there is now an option to send Assignment submissions to the anti-plagiarism service VeriCite. I have it installed and am working with Canvas and VeriCite to get it ready for instructor/student use. Until you hear from me that it’s ready, please do NOT use it.

When it’s ready, I’ll send instructions and other training resources.



Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Additional Canvas workshops/appointments

[Apologies if you get this twice]


Canvas workshops and appointments for the remainder of the semester are available for registrations on the Professional Development Workshops page. Recently added workshops include Introduction to Canvas, along with more specific topics like Building Content, Assessments, Gradebook, and Collaboration. If you can’t attend a workshop, you can make an appointment with one of LPC’s faculty mentor/trainers.


All workshops take place in the Teaching and Learning Center, Room 2410.

