Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Heads-up: Canvas navigation changes

Those of you using Canvas will notice cosmetic changes in the course navigation menu of your courses beginning Saturday. For web accessibility reasons, Canvas will indicate menu items not visible to students with an icon. Currently, they are grayed out. The current page will be depicted in black with a vertical line in front of it. No functionality has been changed.



View more information about this change.




Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Regular effective contact reminder

[Apologies if you got this twice]

Online instructors,

In an effort to ensure that the state- and federally mandated regular effective contact regulations are being met in online and hybrid courses, the LPC Distance Education Committee has asked me to send a Mid-Semester Regular Effective Contact Checklist to you. These mandates include instructor-initiated contact with students and fostering student-to-student contact.

Links to more information are included at the bottom of the checklist.

If you have any questions, let me know.


Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Canvas page errors

Canvas just sent an email saying that users have been experiencing page errors since yesterday. No other details, but I thought I'd pass this along in case you have been hearing any about Canvas errors from students. Canvas says the issue has been resolved.


Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Canvas error Sunday night

Canvas sent a note saying that on Sunday between 8:59 p.m. and 9:10 p.m., some users experienced errors while uploading files into the system. So if you had students claiming they could not submit an attached file, this is the reason.

