Thursday, December 20, 2018

Canvas Fall 2018 semester wrap-up

Canvas instructors,


Hope your semester went well. To wrap it up and prepare for next semester, please note the following:

1.       Here’s how course access at the end of a semester works in Canvas:

a.       You will have full access to your course until Jan. 11 at 11:59 p.m. After that, you will only have read-only access. However, you will be able to export your course.

b.       Students will have full access to your course until Dec. 22 at 11:59 p.m. (unless you have changed the Term end date and time). After the Term end date and time passes, students will have read-only access. They can get to the course by clicking Courses – All Courses. The course will show under Past Enrollments.

c.       If you want students to have full access after the Term end date and time, go into Settings, increase the Term end date and time, then check the box that says: Users can only participate in the course between these dates.  

d.       If you don’t want students to have any access to the course after the Term end date and time, scroll down in Settings, and check the box that says: Restrict students from viewing course after end date.

  1. Check the accuracy of your grades, then download your Gradebook and course separately. For students who do not complete assignments by the deadline dates, manually give them zeros in the gradebook. If you leave their grade cells blank, those missing assignments won't count against them. Canvas has a feature in the gradebook settings called Treat Ungraded as 0, but this does not automatically convert dashes to zeros; it only changes the Totals column. Students won’t see zeros or any changes in Totals when they check grades.

When you are finished with grades, download your Gradebook by clicking Export – CSV File. Keep your exported Gradebook on your computer or backup drive for safekeeping.

To archive your course and save it for safekeeping (in case anything happens to the Canvas server), go to Settings – Export Course Content – make sure Course is chosen under Export Type, then click Create Export. Once the process is finished, click New Export to download the file to your computer or external/online drive.


3.     If you are going to move your current course into a subsequent semester’s course, you can either copy a previous semester's course content or export the previous course and import it into the new course. You can do all of these by going to Settings in a course. While in Settings, do NOT click the Copy this Course button on the right side; this tool creates a new course that your students will not be able to access.

a.     Learn how to copy a course.

b.     Learn how to export a course.

c.     Learn how to import a course.

4.     Students are scheduled to be inputted into their Spring classes in the early morning hours of Jan. 3.

5.     If you are teaching a Distance Education course next semester, you should send a welcome letter to your students a week or so prior to the first day of classes. A template is attached. I have also attached a syllabus template for your optional use. If you put either or both into Canvas, you will need to convert to accessible PDFs beforehand. I even have an entire course template, and if you’re interested in that, let me know.

  1. If you plan to use the online proctoring tool Proctorio next semester, you need to understand how it works. View a faculty web page on Proctorio. The attached welcome letter and syllabus contain student language about Proctorio. Feel free to use that language.

  2. If you decide to use the new Notebowl app in Canvas, here’s a 5-minute video demo of how it works. Notebowl, which can be used to replace the Canvas Discussion Board and Announcements with more of a Facebook-like interface, does not contain all of the functionality of the Canvas Discussion Board. Read about some of the pros and cons of using Notebowl. For instructions on how to use Notebowl, view Notebowl Faculty Links.

  3. Over the break, I will install NameCoach, a pronunciation and gender ID tool. NameCoach allows students to record their names and note their gender. Because of privacy reasons, only the instructor will be able to hear the recordings and see the genders noted. To use NameCoach, just enable it in the course menu. It’s self-explanatory from there.

  4. If you haven’t yet requested your course(s) for next semester, log into Class-Web, click Menu for Faculty, and click the Canvas link at the bottom.

  5. After Dec. 21, I will be out of the office until Jan. 7. Wanda Butterly will be back Jan. 2. You can email her at or call her at 925-424-1655. You can call Canvas on nights and weekends at 1-833-300-3467.



Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Reminder: Spring 2019 Canvas course requests

If you have not already requested your Spring 2019 Canvas courses, you can do so by logging into Class-Web, clicking Menu for Faculty, Staff & Advisors, then clicking the Canvas link toward the bottom of the page. Choose Spring 2019 for the term and Las Positas for the campus, and click Submit Query. From here, you can request individual courses, or you can choose courses or sections to merge (see attached).


If you have already requested your courses, thank you, and please disregard this email.



Tuesday, December 11, 2018

New Canvas apps for spring

Canvas instructors,


On Dec. 18, I am planning to install the new NoteBowl app into Canvas. NoteBowl can be used to replace the Canvas Discussion Board and Announcements with more of a Facebook-like interface (you can also use it in conjunction with the Discussion Board). Keep in mind that NoteBowl does not include all of the features of the Discussion Board, so because of this, a list of pros and cons of using that tool will be created and shared with you.


The DE Committee decided to have NoteBowl installed during finals week so instructors can test it out over the break. View a 5-minute demo of NoteBowl. The TLC will offer training on NoteBowl during the spring semester.


Also over the break, I will install NameCoach, a pronunciation and gender ID tool. NameCoach allows students to record their names and note their gender. Because of privacy reasons, only the instructor will be able to hear the recordings and see the genders noted. To use NameCoach, just enable it in the course menu. It’s self-explanatory from there.


Both NoteBowl and NameCoach are subsidized by the OEI and are optional for you to use.



Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Proctorio student web content

Canvas instructors,


I wanted to inform you that I have created a student FAQ page about Proctorio on the LPC Online Learning web site. It is linked from the Online Services drop-down in the site’s navigation menu, and it’s called Online Proctoring.


In addition, student information about, and/or links to, Proctorio can also be found on the following pages:

·         Canvas

·         FAQs

·         Privacy Statement


I plan to commence work on faculty information about Proctorio soon in an effort to have everything ready by the start of spring.



Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Proctorio usage

For those of you using Proctorio for the remainder of this semester, I’m relaying below some recommendations from the DE Committee. At our meeting Friday, we discussed some students’ angst about being forced to use Proctorio with little warning.


The committee wants faculty who plan to use Proctorio for the rest of Fall to prepare their students adequately to alleviate privacy and security concerns. If instructors use it, they should use it for low-stakes quizzes or extra credit. Also, if students object to its required usage, they should be able to come to campus to complete an alternative quiz.


The committee wants to prepare students better for when instructors use Proctorio by the Spring semester. That includes having language written to place in syllabi and in welcome letters sent to students prior to online courses beginning. It will include language in a new web page for students, in the DE Handbook, and on the Online Learning FAQs page. The language will include links to Proctorio support, along with its privacy and security pages. I will work on this language and share it with you.





Thursday, November 29, 2018

FW: Announcing Canvas ConferZoom Update: January 7, 2019

FYI: For those using, or planning to use, ConferZoom, see below.




From: Client Services []
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 2:59 PM
To: Canvas Administrators <>
Subject: Announcing Canvas ConferZoom Update: January 7, 2019






Canvas Administrators:


Announcing the latest updates to ConferZoom through Canvas!  


This automatic update is will take place in all Canvas instances on Monday, January 7, 2019, please notify your instructors about the latest enhancements. The new interface emulates Canvas, is easier to view and navigate, along with the new features described below.  


·         An exciting new feature for Appointment Booking gives instructors the ability to offer appointments with students.

o   Offer designated time slots for online office hour, counseling, and tutoring appointments, or private meetings with a student.

o   Students can reserve an available appointment, with only one reservation per time slot. 

o   Instructors and students can view the appointment calendar.


·         Instructors and students can view all upcoming events using the ConferZoom Event calendar.


·         A new email functionality offers instructors and students the option to set personal preferences for email notifications about upcoming events and appointments.


·         Calendar integration allows instructors and students to have their events and appointments appear in their personal calendars such
as Outlook and Google.


Detailed articles are available on our support pages at


Please contact CCC Confer Tech Support with your questions.



CCC Confer Tech Support

Tel: 760-744-1150 ext 1537 or 1554



Thursday, November 1, 2018

Spring 2019 Canvas course requests

Canvas instructors,


You may now request your Spring 2019 Canvas courses by logging into Class-Web, clicking Menu for Faculty, Staff & Advisors, then clicking the Canvas link toward the bottom of the page. Choose Spring 2019 for the term and Las Positas for the campus, and click Submit Query. From here, you can request individual courses, or you can choose courses or sections to merge.


Some notes:


1.     Be 100% sure you want to merge courses or sections before making your request. Merging AND unmerging after the fact can be problematic. Also, if you merge, please do so correctly. The attached screenshot shows how to merge correctly.

2.     When moving from one semester to another in Canvas, you can either copy a previous semester's course content or export the previous course and import it into the new course. You can do all of these by going to Settings in a course. While in Settings, DO NOT click the Copy this Course button on the right side; this tool creates a new course that your students will not be able to access.

    1. Learn how to copy a course.
    2. Learn how to export a course.
    3. Learn how to import a course.

3.     If you are teaching an online course, you have the option to use the Canvas model course template as a starting point. The course is based on the Academic Senate-approved OEI’s Course Design Rubric and provides organization and structure for your course. If you want to view the model course, let me know. If you already have access to it and want to use it, complete this form.

4.     The OEI’s Quest for Online Success tutorial is the student readiness tool used for DE courses at LPC. There is a Canvas version to which you can have students self-enroll. You can even have students complete assignments based on the tutorial. Learn more about Quest.

5.     Remember that everything in your course must be made accessible to students with disabilities. To learn how to do this, you can either come to a workshop, make an appointment, or complete the Canvas tutorial called Web Accessibility Course.

6.     If you haven’t already requested your bookstore materials, you can do so in Canvas via the Follett Discover app, which you can make available in Settings – Navigation. Currently, this only works for faculty, not students.




Wednesday, October 24, 2018

OEI rubric updated

DE Instructors,


The OEI updated its Course Design Rubric. Sections D and E on web accessibility have been combined, and relatively minor changes were made to Sections A-C.


You can check out the updated rubric at





Friday, October 19, 2018

Canvas professional development opportunities

Just wanted to remind everyone that on Tuesday, LPC will host 3 Canvas and online learning workshops:


1.       Making your Canvas Course Site ADA-Compliant, 10-11:50 a.m., Room 2412

2.       What to Expect When You Submit Your DE course to the OEI Course Design Academy, 1-2:50 p.m., Room 2410

3.       Regular, Substantive Interaction in Online Classes, 3-3:50, Room 2410


View descriptions of each workshop at


On Friday, Oct. 26, @ONE will host a free online conference called Can Innovate for all Canvas users. There are sessions throughout the day, and you can register for any—and get more info—at Flex credit is available to LPC participants.



Wednesday, October 10, 2018

FW: FREE ONLINE CONFERENCE Can*Innovate Friday, 10/26

FYI: This is an invitation to participate in this one-day, online conference at De Anza College. You can also participate on your own. More info at




From: Dawn Lee Tu []
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2018 8:05 AM
Cc: David Garrido <>; Heidi King <>; Brandon Gainer <>; Lorrie Ranck <>
Subject: FREE ONLINE CONFERENCE Can*Innovate Friday, 10/26


Dear Colleagues,


On October 26, the California Community College system is celebrating Can•Innovate, a free online conference coordinated by the CCC Online Education Initiative and @ONE. The day includes a dynamic program of online sessions showcasing CCC faculty, staff, and national thought leaders. All sessions are delivered conveniently through ConferZoom and are designed to improve knowledge and understanding of using Canvas to support the needs of our students.  And participation is completely free.


De Anza College has been invited to serve as a Regional Hub for this year’s Can•Innovate conference and we’re writing to extend a warm invitation to your faculty and staff to join us!


Please help us extend this invitation to your faculty and staff. We invite them to visit our campus and engage in a day of learning with their CCC peers. We will be displaying these select sessions from the online program in a group setting to encourage conversations and inquiry about the use of Canvas to support student success:

Welcome & Keynote: 8:15-10:00am

Canvas HTML Editor - 10:00am

New Canvas Gradebook - 11:00am

Namecoach - 12:00pm

Good Things Happen when you Get Creative - 1:00pm

Canva for Canvas - 2:00pm

Using ConferZoom Meetings - 3:00pm

Stump the Panda - 4:00pm


Those who join us will also have the opportunity to take tours of our lab and self-recording studio by request. In addition, faculty can use our staff computer lab to join in on sessions we may not be showing. At 11:00 a.m., we will run a concurrent session in our lab for faculty who wish to work on their HTML skills in Canvas.


To learn more about what we have planned for Can•Innovate, view our Regional Hub webpage here and click on RSVP if you plan to join us.


We look forward to seeing you on October 26!





The De Anza College Regional Hub Team:

Dawn Lee Tu, Faculty Director, Professional Development

Heidi King, Instructional Designer

Dave Garrido, Instructional Designer

Brandon Gainer, Faculty, Speech

Lorrie Ranck, Interim Vice President of Instruction

Dawn Lee Tu, PhD

*she/they pronouns*

Faculty Director, Professional & Organizational Development

De Anza College

Let's talk! Request meeting with me here:

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Last day of attendance in Canvas

DE instructors,


Canvas has just introduced a new feature that allows instructors to note the last day of attendance for students who drop DE courses. This is necessary for financial aid and auditing purposes. In your course, go to the People page, click on the three dots on the right side for a student, and select User Details.

This brings you to the student’s Profile page. Simply enter the date in the box under Last day attended. This should be done for students regardless of when they drop.


The last day of attendance is not the last day a student logged into your course; it’s the last day a student actively participated in class. For more information, read Federal Title IV and Last Day of Attendance.



Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Canvas is back up

Canvas appears to be back up now. Just so you know, Canvas has a “status” that informs you of any current problems. It’s available at



Canvas is down

Canvas seems to be down. I’m on hold with its support. I’ll provide an update when I get one.



Monday, August 27, 2018

Canvas issue resolved

From Canvas:


The issue causing error messages to appear when users tried to access or edit assignments and quizzes is now resolved. Users are now able to access items that were previously presenting an error message.”

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Final Canvas reminders

For those of you teaching with Canvas this semester:


Attached is a checklist (with corresponding links) to help your classes get off to a good start. And here is some information/reminders to help, too:


  1. View Canvas faculty notes and tips. There are a bit too many of these to fit into this email. Also, since Canvas adds new features and enhancements every three weeks, make sure to go to the Canvas Release Notes page to see what’s new.

  2. Wanda Butterly and I will continue to provide faculty technical support. During nights and weekends, you can call Canvas directly at 1-833-300-3467. For students, all daytime support will be handled by LPC’s technical support desk, and they can call Canvas to get their nighttime and weekend questions answered. The student Canvas number is 1-844-600-3467. You might want to note this in your classes.

  3. Publish your courses by the beginning of the day your class starts so students can access them. If you are not teaching an online or hybrid course and want to wait longer to publish your courses, that’s up to you. To publish your course, go to the course home page, and click Publish.

  4. If you are teaching a DE class, contact your students prior to the start of the semester, and encourage them to self-enroll into the Quest for Online Success Course in Canvas. This is a readiness course that prepares students to succeed online. Learn more about Quest. I notified DE students by email, and many have already self-enrolled. A reminder from you would be good, especially since students who added late did not receive the my  email notification. Here are instructions you can copy and paste for your students:

a.        Go to If necessary, copy and paste the URL (without the period at the end) into your browser.

b.        Log into Canvas with your W number. Your password is the first 2 letters of your first name, followed by the first 2 letters of your last name (all lowercase), followed by the last four digits of your W number. If you have already logged into Canvas and changed your password, use that password.

c.         Click the button "Enroll in Course".

d.        Click the button "Go to the Course".

e.        Complete the modules.

  1. Also, if you are teaching a DE class and want to see how your course measures up to the quality standards set by the Online Education Initiative, you can compare it to the OEI Course Design Rubric. The LPC Academic Senate has endorsed the rubric as the standards to strive for in DE classes. View the Senate’s resolution. Examples that meet the rubric’s criteria can be found in the Online Course Design Guide and the Course Design Showcase.

  2. Make sure all of your content is accessible to students with disabilities. Everything you need to know about web accessibility, including “how-to” tutorials, is available in a Canvas course in which you have access. Just log into Canvas, and you will see a web accessibility course in your Dashboard called Creating Accessible Course Content.

  3. The Regular Effective Contact Guidelines, approved by the LPC Academic Senate, state that all Distance Education courses, whether fully online or hybrid, must demonstrate regular effective contact with students. For hybrids, this contact is required not only during on-campus meetings, but it is also required online. Read Hybrids @ LPC. Since all DE courses must show evidence of regular effective contact, you should use the Canvas Inbox for all of your email correspondences with students. The Canvas Inbox will automatically save the emails. Emails sent from Outlook will be archived, but they will not be available from a central location.

  4. The LPC DE Committee has developed recommendations, along with answers to frequently asked questions, that are intended to aid instructors—particularly new instructors—in determining how many students to add and when to add those students near the beginning of the semester. View the recommendations and FAQs.

  5. The LPC Online Learning web site was redesigned in early 2018. You might want to verify any links you have to it from within Canvas. The site also includes a link called Faculty Resources, which was created for you.

  6. For financial aid and auditing purposes, you should record the last day of attendance for students who drop DE courses, The last day of attendance is not the last day a student logged into your course; it’s the last day a student actively participated in class. Read Federal Title IV and Last Day of Attendance.

    Here is LPC’s DE drop policy:

    The instructor may drop students who miss the first meeting of a course. The first meeting of online or hybrid Distance Education courses is the first day of the class as specified in the class schedule listing.  For these courses, instructors may drop students who do not log into their Canvas course and/or complete indicated activities by the third day of classes. DE instructors may drop students if they have not submitted work and/or accessed the class for two consecutive weeks. For Summer courses, DE instructors may drop students if they have not submitted work and/or accessed the class for one week.

  7. Encourage your students to use the NetTutor online tutoring service. View student information about NetTutor. View faculty information about NetTutor.

  8. If you need (or want) a banner for the home page of your course, the attached file is a template to use. Just open it in PowerPoint, modify it, save it as a .PNG file, then upload it into Canvas.

13.   If you would like to use Canvas’ New Gradebook, follow the instructions below to enable it in your course(s). The New Gradebook features several enhancements, and Canvas is still adding to it. Useage is optional; if you don’t enable it, the existing Gradebook will still be there for you. To enable it: Access a course, click Settings, click Feature Options, click the switch to New Gradebook to turn it on. Keep in mind that the New Gradebook cannot be disabled by an instructor or system administrator when one or both of the following features are applied:  Manually adjust a submission status to none, late, missing, or excused Enable late or missing policies in the Settings menu. Those features are not compatible with the current Gradebook, so enabling their functionality will prevent an instructor from returning to the current Gradebook. Learn how the New Gradebook works.

Good luck with your courses!



Monday, August 6, 2018

Fall Canvas students to be inputted tonight

Canvas instructors:


For those of you teaching Fall classes with Canvas, this is a heads-up that Fall 2018 students will be inputted into their Canvas courses tonight. If you don’t want students to access your courses until the start of classes, keep your courses unpublished.




Thursday, August 2, 2018

Canvas Summer 2018 wrap-up

Summer Canvas instructors,


Hope your summer sessions went well. To wrap it up and prepare for next semester, please note the following:

1.       Course access at the end of a semester works differently in Canvas than in Blackboard. Here are the most important points:

a.       You will have full access to your course until Aug. 10 at 11:59 p.m. After that, you will only have read-only access. However, you will be able to export your course.

b.       Students will have full access to your course until Aug. 3 at 11:59 p.m. (unless you have changed the Term end date and time). After the Term end date and time passes, students will have read-only access. They can get to the course by clicking Courses – All Courses. The course will show under Past Enrollments.

c.       If you want students to have full access after the Term end date and time, go into Settings, increase the Term end date and time, then check the box that says: Users can only participate in the course between these dates.  

d.       If you don’t want students to have any access to the course after the Term end date and time, scroll down in Settings, and check the box that says: Restrict students from viewing course after end date.

  1. Check the accuracy of your grades, then download your Gradebook and course separately. For students who do not complete assignments by the deadline dates, manually give them zeros in the gradebook. If you leave their grade cells blank, those missing assignments won't count against them. Canvas has a feature in the gradebook settings called Treat Ungraded as 0, but this does not automatically convert dashes to zeros; it only changes the Totals column. Students won’t see zeros or any changes in Totals when they check grades.

When you are finished with grades, download your Gradebook by clicking Export – CSV File. Keep your exported Gradebook on your computer or backup drive for safekeeping.

To archive your course and save it for safekeeping (in case anything happens to the Canvas server), go to Settings – Export Course Content – make sure Course is chosen under Export Type, then click Create Export. Once the process is finished, click New Export to download the file to your computer or external/online drive.


3.     If you are going to move your current course into a subsequent semester’s course, you can either copy a previous semester's course content or export the previous course and import it into the new course. You can do all of these by going to Settings in a course. While in Settings, do NOT click the Copy this Course button on the right side; this tool creates a new course that your students will not be able to access.

a.     Learn how to copy a course.

b.     Learn how to export a course.

c.     Learn how to import a course.

4.     If you are teaching a Distance Education course next semester, you should send a welcome letter to your students a week or so prior to the first day of classes. A template is attached. I have also attached a syllabus template for your optional use. If you put either or both into Canvas, you will need to convert to accessible PDFs beforehand. I even have an entire course template, and if you’re interested in that, let me know.

5.     If you haven’t yet requested your course(s) for next semester, log into Class-Web, click Menu for Faculty, and click the Canvas link at the bottom.



Friday, May 25, 2018

Hybrid course information

Summer hybrid instructors,

This is a reminder that all hybrid courses must include regular, effective contact with students in the online portion of your class. Obviously, you can meet this requirement by using collaborative tools within Canvas. If you need ideas of how to do this, or if you need any other information about hybrids, please read the Hybrid Courses @ LPC web page.



Final Canvas info and reminders-Summer 2018

With the first summer session beginning next week, here is some information for all Canvas summer instructors:


Attached is a checklist (with corresponding links) to help your classes get off to a good start.


  1. View Canvas faculty notes and tips. There are a bit too many of these to fit into this email.

  2. You can get your Canvas questions answered 24x7 by calling Canvas directly until June 30. Beginning July 1, you can call Canvas to get your nighttime and weekend questions answered. The faculty number is 1-833-300-3467. All daytime support will be handled by me and Wanda Butterly beginning July 1.

    Students can get their Canvas questions answered 24x7 by calling Canvas directly until June 30. Beginning July 1, they can call Canvas to get their nighttime and weekend questions answered. The student Canvas number is 1-844-600-3467. All daytime support will be handled by LPC’s technical support desk beginning July 1. You might want to note this and the blurb below in your classes.

    One exception: Because the LPC campus is closed Fridays during the summer, the only student and faculty support available on the following Fridays is calling Canvas after 5 p.m.: July 6, July 13, July 20, July 27, Aug. 3.

  3. Publish your courses by the beginning of the day your class starts so students can access them. If you are not teaching an online or hybrid course and want to wait longer to publish your courses, that’s up to you. To publish your course, go to the course home page, and click Publish.

  4. If you are teaching a DE class, contact your students prior to the start of the semester, and encourage them to self-enroll into the Quest for Online Success Course in Canvas. This is a readiness course that prepares students to succeed online. Learn more about Quest. I notified DE students by email, and many have already self-enrolled. A reminder from you would be good, especially since students who added late did not receive the my  email notification. Here are instructions you can copy and paste for your students:

a.     Go to If necessary, copy and paste the URL (without the period at the end) into your browser.

b.     Log into Canvas with your W number. Your password is the first 2 letters of your first name, followed by the first 2 letters of your last name (all lowercase), followed by the last four digits of your W number. If you have already logged into Canvas and changed your password, use that password.

c.      Click the button "Enroll in Course".

d.     Click the button "Go to the Course".

e.     Complete the modules.

  1. Also, if you are teaching a DE class and want to see how your course measures up to the quality standards set by the Online Education Initiative, you can compare it to the OEI Course Design Rubric. The LPC Academic Senate has endorsed the rubric as the standards to strive for in DE classes. View the Senate’s resolution. Examples that meet the rubric’s criteria can be found in the Online Course Design Guide and the Course Design Showcase.

  2. Make sure all of your content is accessible to students with disabilities. Everything you need to know about web accessibility, including “how-to” tutorials, is available in a Canvas course in which you have access. Just log into Canvas, and you will see a web accessibility course in your Dashboard called Creating Accessible Course Content.

  3. The Regular Effective Contact Guidelines, approved by the LPC Academic Senate, state that all Distance Education courses, whether fully online or hybrid, must demonstrate regular effective contact with student. For hybrids, this contact is required not only during on-campus meetings, but it is also required online. Read Hybrids @ LPC. Since all DE courses must show evidence of regular effective contact, you should use the Canvas Inbox for all of your email correspondences with students. The Canvas Inbox will automatically save the emails. Emails sent from Outlook will be archived, but they will not be available from a central location.

  4. The LPC DE Committee has developed recommendations, along with answers to frequently asked questions, that are intended to aid instructors—particularly new instructors—in determining how many students to add and when to add those students near the beginning of the semester. View the recommendations and FAQs.

  5. The LPC Online Learning web site was redesigned prior to Spring 2018. You might want to verify any links you have to it from within Canvas. The new site also includes a link called Faculty Resources, which was created for you.

  6. Here is LPC’s DE drop policy:

    The instructor may drop students who miss the first meeting of a course. The first meeting of online or hybrid Distance Education courses is the first day of the class as specified in the class schedule listing.  For these courses, instructors may drop students who do not log into their Canvas course and/or complete indicated activities by the third day of classes. DE instructors may drop students if they have not submitted work and/or accessed the class for two consecutive weeks. For Summer courses, DE instructors may drop students if they have not submitted work and/or accessed the class for one week.

  7. Encourage your students to use the NetTutor online tutoring service. View student information about NetTutor. View faculty information about NetTutor.

  8. Faculty can order books from within Canvas. To activate the Follett Discover link from any Canvas course (including your sandbox), go to Settings, click the Navigation tab, then drag the Follett Discover link from the lower box to the top box. This puts the link into your course menu. Simply click it to get to the Follett site.

13.   If you would like to use Canvas’ New Gradebook, follow the instructions below to enable it in your course(s). The New Gradebook features several enhancements, and Canvas is still adding to it. Useage is optional; if you don’t enable it, the existing Gradebook will still be there for you. To enable it: Access a course, click Settings, click Feature Options, click the switch to New Gradebook to turn it on. Keep in mind that the New Gradebook cannot be disabled by an instructor or system administrator when one or both of the following features are applied:  Manually adjust a submission status to none, late, missing, or excused Enable late or missing policies in the Settings menu. Those features are not compatible with the current Gradebook, so enabling their functionality will prevent an instructor from returning to the current Gradebook. Learn how the New Gradebook works.

14.   During the summer, I will not be available on the following days: June 18-20, July 5, 25-26. And again, the campus is closed on Fridays.


Good luck with your courses!
