Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Flex Day workshops on Online Learning

Please join us for one or both of our Online Learning workshops on Flex Day, April 3 (no advanced registration is necessary):


Using the OEI Online Course Design Rubric to Meet Accreditation Standards (10-11:50 a.m. in Room 2410)

The Online Education Initiative's Course Design Rubric, endorsed by the LPC Academic Senate, establishes standards of a quality online course. If your course meets those standards, it will meet accreditation requirements. In this workshop, you will learn how to apply the rubric to your course in order to make your course the best it can be. The rubric's sections covered will be Content Presentation and Assessment, but the workshop will focus on Interaction, making sure you meet the requirement of regular, effective contact. It will not cover the web accessibility sections of the OEI rubric; those will be covered in an afternoon workshop today called Making your Canvas course site ADA-compliant. 


The LPC Model Course, which was created based on the rubric's standards, will be presented. The Model Course can be used in your online course as a template to follow while building the rest of your course.


Making your Canvas Course Site ADA-Compliant (1-2:50 p.m. in Room 2412)

Whether you teach an online course, a hybrid course, or simply enhance your face-to-face course with online materials, you are bound by state and federal regulations to make your sites accessible to students with disabilities. This hands-on workshop will focus on ADA-compliance within Canvas. You will learn the basics of web accessibility, along with techniques to use in Canvas and techniques to make Word and PowerPoint files accessible. The workshop will follow the Online Education Initiative's Course Design Rubric sections on web accessibility.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Legal requirements presentation

Canvas, Blackboard instructors:


On behalf of the Distance Education Committee, Christina Lee, Bill Komanetsky, and I presented Wednesday at LPC’s town meeting about meeting legal requirements in DE. For those who were not in attendance, here is the presentation.


The four areas covered were Instructor-Student Interaction, Web Accessibility, Copyright, and FERPA. The first area only pertains to those of you teaching online and hybrid courses, while the other three pertain to everyone using Canvas or Blackboard.


If anyone has ideas on how we can best reach compliancy, please reply, and I’ll take them to the DE Committee. In addition to Flex Day workshops April 3, we also have TLC workshops on Instructor-Student Interaction (Regular Effect Contact in Online and Hybrid Courses) and Web Accessibility. Sign up for a TLC workshop.



Thursday, March 1, 2018

FW: Spring Courses and News from @ONE

I am forwarding this on behalf of @ONE. It includes training on online assessment and web accessibility.


From: The Online Network of Educators [] On Behalf Of The Online Network of Educators
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 11:27 AM
To: Scott Vigallon <>
Subject: Spring Courses and News from @ONE


Time to get lucky...

No need to spend your time searching for the elusive four-leafed clover! @ONE has a host of events and resources to share with you!



@ONE offers both facilitated and self-paced courses to help you design your online classes, support student success, and explore online teaching techniques. Below is a quick overview of upcoming courses, or you can browse our Catalog to see our full offerings!

Register now for Spring courses, and gain the skills you'll need to build or revise your online course!


Assessment Digital Learning

Begins March 5--Register NOW
This 4-week courses explores ways to move beyond testing and use assessment activities as a way to engage your students, enhance critical thinking, and improve your online class! You'll never look at assessment the same way again! 

Introduction to Online Teaching and Learning

Begins March 19--New section added! Register now
If you're new to online teaching, this is a foundational course that will provide not only an amazing opportunity to experience Canvas from a student's perspective, but also a introduction to the realm of online teaching and learning. 

Creating Accessible Course Content

Begins March 19--Register now
Building user-friendly courses that are accessible to all has never been so easy! This 4-week course will walk you through designing accessible content in Canvas, in documents like WORD and Powerpoint, and in multimedia. Learn about free tools and the amazing resources provided by the CCCs!

NEW! Humanizing Online Learning

Begins March 19--Register now
Are you looking for the secret sauce for building community and fostering meaningful student-student interactions? Well, you've found it. Research shows that online students are more invested in a class when they have an instructor who cares about their learning success. In this class, you will be immersed in a supportive online learning community as you develop humanized practices for your online course will lay the foundation for community building and collaboration.

Online Education Standards & Practices (OESP)

Begins March 26--Last Spring session for this course! Register now
This 12-week course is an immersive opportunity to build or revise your online course to meet the standards of the Online Education Initiative's Course Design Rubric. You'll be supported throughout the design process as you design instructional content, engaging assessments, and interaction, while building in accessibility from the ground up. 



If you're already missing the amazing sharing and camaraderie of Digital Learning Day (or if you simply *gasp* missed DLDay altogether!), there's no need to worry! Check out the archives, including an amazing keynote by Dr. Marcia Chatelain. 

Digital Learning Day Archive

And, if DLDay left you wanting more, here's a list of conferences you'll want to attend! 


CanvasCon 2018

March 23 @ CalState LA
CanvasCon is a one-day, regional event that has been specifically designed for California educators. Everyone is invited, from the Canvas-curious to the expert user! 
Learn more and register

Online Teaching Conference

June 18-20 @ Anaheim Hilton
From the amazing pre-conference workshops, to the keynote speaker, J. Luke Wood, to the rich presentation sessions and camaraderie, this conference promises to be the best OTC ever. Join us! 
Learn more and register

InstructureCon 2018

July 24-26 @ Keystone, CO
The theme has been announced, and this summer, those are your monkeys, and this is your circus! Join the Instructure team (the makers of Canvas) for an event filled week in Keystone, CO, where you'll learn so much about Canvas that you'll be doing flips from the high-wire! 
Learn more and register




Building and teaching quality online courses is not a solitary task! We wanted to end by reminding you that you have an online network of fellow CCC educators to support you! Here are some quick links to just a few places of support! 

The Course Design Showcase: See how your peers from across the state are designing courses that align to the OEI Course Design Rubric.


Canvas Support Portal: Your on-stop shop for accessing resources to help you use Canvas. 

The Accessibility Center Help Desk: Available to all California Community Colleges, the help desk offers the opportunity to ask questions and get answers specific to web and IT accessibility issues. Backed by a team of accessibility subject matter experts, the Accessibility Center Help Desk can answer question related to:

  • website interface design
  • document accessibility
  • color contrast issues
  • video and social media content



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