Thursday, March 8, 2018

Legal requirements presentation

Canvas, Blackboard instructors:


On behalf of the Distance Education Committee, Christina Lee, Bill Komanetsky, and I presented Wednesday at LPC’s town meeting about meeting legal requirements in DE. For those who were not in attendance, here is the presentation.


The four areas covered were Instructor-Student Interaction, Web Accessibility, Copyright, and FERPA. The first area only pertains to those of you teaching online and hybrid courses, while the other three pertain to everyone using Canvas or Blackboard.


If anyone has ideas on how we can best reach compliancy, please reply, and I’ll take them to the DE Committee. In addition to Flex Day workshops April 3, we also have TLC workshops on Instructor-Student Interaction (Regular Effect Contact in Online and Hybrid Courses) and Web Accessibility. Sign up for a TLC workshop.

