Tuesday, May 21, 2019

FW: Grab a Spot in Our Fall Course Line-Up! πŸ‚ πŸƒ

For those of you interested…


From: Online Network of Educators [mailto:registration@cvc.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2019 4:47 PM
To: Scott Vigallon <SVigallon@laspositascollege.edu>
Subject: Grab a Spot in Our Fall Course Line-Up! 
🍂 🍃



Free and low-cost professional development for online educators from CVC-OEI/@ONE.

Fall Courses now open!


The fall line-up of our popular online courses is now ready for you. With multiple sections of 12 courses and 10 start dates, there's something for everyone! 





Submit your proposal by August 20th


Don't forget you have until August 20th to submit your proposal for Can•Innovate, our free online Canvas conference on Friday, October 25th, 2019. So far 18 colleges have signed up to host on an on-campus viewing room. Don't miss out! Add your college to the list today.



California Community Colleges California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative. @ONE

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