Thursday, August 5, 2021

FW: [EXTERNAL] Updates from the CVC: Welcome to the 2012-22 academic year!

I'm forwarding these professional development opportunities from the California Virtual Campus.




From: California Virtual Campus (CVC) <>
Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 7:30 AM
To: Scott Vigallon <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Updates from the CVC: Welcome to the 2012-22 academic year!



For a complete listing of all of the CVC's upcoming events and courses, visit


As summer wraps up and we all gear up for the fall 2021 term, thank you for all that you do individually and collectively as part of the work CVC-OEI does to support high quality online learning opportunities for students, professional development for faculty and staff, and for contributing to the shared and sometimes unseen impact we have on students and our colleges.  This year promises to once again to bring its own set of challenges and opportunities for the work that we do.  As we persevere and participate together in the rapid evolution of online learning, the need an opportunity for collaborative efforts like ours is higher than ever.  Thank you for the expertise and work ethic that as colleagues, you bring to the table every day to support our students.  In this month's newsletter, we are highlighting some exceptional professional development opportunities and resources in support of online teaching and learning, as well as sharing some additional updates.  In spring 2021 we conducted surveys and analyzed additional data to inform our professional development programming for the new 2021-22 year.  From our distinguished @ONE courses to our Fall into Humanizing event, webinars, or the new Panda Pros resource, I believe you will find helpful resources designed in response to the needs expressed in data we collected from college faculty and staff.  Thank you for continuing to partner with CVC, and here's to a bright and successful fall 2021! 

Jory Hadsell, Executive Director 



This fall, join the California Virtual Campus for a professional development series that will prepare you to design and teach more equitable online classes - Fall into Humanized Online Teaching: A Pathway to Equity. Increasing the inclusivity of online courses is an important part of improving student outcomes and closing equity gaps. Prior to COVID, more than 28 percent of total student headcount in the California Community College system was generated by online courses. Now online courses are part of every faculty member's teaching and every student's academic pathway. This series will help faculty create online courses they are proud of, foster trust, and challenge students to achieve their full potential.
Through a series of live events, the CVC's Michelle Pacansky-Brock will guide participants through the creation of eight research-based humanized online teaching elements to help prepare them to design and teach inclusive online classes that welcome all students, value diversity as an asset, and leverage human presence to cultivate identity safety in the online environment.
This series is designed with maximum flexibility, providing faculty with options to support their individualized goals.

  1. A la Carte Attendance - Free! Participants can register for and attend as many live sessions as they like for free. All session archives will be shared publicly on the CVC/@ONE website.
  2. Earn a Digital Badge - $150  Participants can register for and attend all sessions and create the eight humanizing elements for their online course. This option will involve self-enrolling in a supplemental course, completing assignments independently, and applying feedback from members of the CVC team. 

Further information and registration details will soon be posted to




The CVC has several courses, offered through the Online Network of Educators, that begin this month. The following courses currently have open seats:

To register, visit the Online Network of Educator's catalog. Course registration fees vary and many are eligible for continuing education credits.




To all the teachers out there who have reinvented the wheel, reimagined lesson plans, and redesigned instruction as they knew it, thank you. You've been the backbone of education for the last year and a half, and as we all look toward a new school year, we want you to know that you'll never have to go it alone. Instructure is pleased to introduce its newest team of pros that know the Instructure Learning Platform inside and out—the Panda Pros.

Who are the Panda Pros?
The Panda Pros are edtech and instructional design experts who can help you with all things Instructure—whether it's big-picture planning, hands-on support, or technical tips and tricks.

How do I meet with a Panda Pro?
You can now schedule a 25-minute meeting with a Panda Pro at a time that works best for you and your team. Have questions? They've got answers. Sign up now.

What kinds of questions can I ask a Panda Pro?
Panda Pros are well-versed in all Instructure products, with an emphasis on Canvas, MasteryConnect, Portfolium, and their respective features and tools. Since individual sessions are only 25 minutes, it's helpful to have a specific topic you want to discuss along with a few questions prepared beforehand. Here are a few examples:

  • How do I create consistency in modules?
  • How do I use the HTML Editor?
  • How do I add text headers, alt-text, and other accessibility features?
  • How do I add captions to Studio videos?
  • How should I be thinking about outcomes?
  • How should I be using rubrics?
  • How do I use tools like bell-ringers, exit tickets, and group work check-ins to drive better formative assessments?

Ready to meet a Panda Pro? Get on the schedule today.



Wednesday, September 8 / 10 AM - 11 AM

Screencast-o-matic is a simple-to-use video recording/editing tool. Studio is a Canvas integration that turns passive viewing into active engagement. Pair the two together and you've got the power to create dynamic interactive learning experiences that capture—and hold—your students' attention (with assessment built right in!). In this webinar, you'll get a taste of what these two tools can offer and how to get started using this match made in heaven to power-up your course content.




Tuesday, September 14 / 11 AM - 12 PM

The CVC and Linked Systems International will give an overview of several tutoring-related programs, including NetTutor, STAR-CA, and Pisces Participants will learn more about faculty and advisor tools for referrals and assignments, both integrated within Canvas, and take a tour of the Administrator Dashboard to review usage reporting functionality, including the new report that warns coordinators when students use too much. Last but not least, CCC colleagues will share ways they correlate faculty advocacy of academic support to student success.





  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for thinking about teaching and learning that offers flexibility in the ways students access course material, engage with it, and show what they know. UDL principles benefit all learners by building in responsiveness that can be adjusted for every learner's strengths and needs. The CVC's Helen Graves shares her best UDL tips and tricks in The Most Effective Way to Eliminate Barriers to Students' Learning.
  • Moving completely to distance education in the fall of 2020 challenged faculty and students in many ways. After listening to student feedback, it became clear MiraCosta College needed to do a better job of communicating expectations upfront and clarify recommended practices for faculty. In his article Equity, Cameras, & Online Learning: A MiraCosta College Commitment, Luke Lara shares what the college learned about the technology challenges and/or psychological trauma that many students experience when required to turn on their cameras in their Zoom classes.

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