Friday, April 26, 2019

Canvas updates: course requests, Notebowl, New Gradebook

Canvas instructors,


Three updates to pass along:


1.       Thank you to those of who requested your summer courses. If you haven’t done so, please take care of it in Class Web. As a reminder, courses for fall will be automatically created for you. My intention was to do this May 1, but I have pushed it back to May 2 because I will be available in case of questions. I will be on jury duty for the next few weeks, but will be in the office 1-2 days a week.

Since courses will be automatically created, I posted instructions on how to merge sections since you will now be doing this in Canvas instead of in Class Web. If you merge, please read the entire page. If you don’t, nothing for you to do.

2.       The CVC-OEI, which funds several of the tools we use in Canvas, has announced that because of low usage, its contract with Notebowl will not be renewed after the current fiscal year. Therefore, it will be deactivated in Canvas on June 10. My apologies if you were planning to use it with your summer courses. If you were one of the few who used Notebowl, you can go back to using the Canvas Discussion Board and Announcements.


3.       If you are one who is still using the current Gradebook in Canvas and want to continue using it, you received a reprieve because Canvas announced that it will not be removed until January 2020. It had previously said that the current Gradebook would be replaced permanently by the New Gradebook this summer. It is recommended that you move to the New Gradebook, but if you don’t want to, you won’t have to until after the fall semester.

